Medha conducts workshop at Lucknow University

Medha holds leadership enhancement workshop for NSS Programme Officers
By Medha
1st September, 2015

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Medha organized a leadership enhancement workshop for 69 NSS Program Officers from 35 different colleges across Lucknow on 27th Aug 2015. The program was organized in collaboration with the Department of Social Works, Lucknow University.

“One of the objectives of NSS is to inculcate leadership qualities in today’s youth and expose them to the benefits of community service. We strongly share those values at Medha, and were honored to work with 69 NSS Program Officers from around the state to help build their own leadership skills and develop additional tools and techniques that they can use with their participants” Byomkesh Mishra – Co-founder Medha

The workshop incorporated elements of teamwork, ethics, leadership skills, and problem solving through activities like Paper Bridge, Ethical Dilemmas, and Theory of Change.

“We are always looking for new and innovative ways to connect with young people and spread the positive benefits of social work with today’s youth. We would like to thank Medha, and it’s highly professional team, for their insightful and useful training program. Our program officers learned new tools and practices that they will take back to their respective institutions, and also enjoyed the program a great deal in the process. That is a strong sign of its success and I am sure it will have a significant impact on their work. We look forward to organizing future leadership enhancement workshops for NSS volunteers with Medha’s support.” Dr. Rakesh Dwivedi, Program Coordinator, National Service Scheme, Lucknow University.

Dr Anshumali- State Liaison Officer- NSS UP speaking with the participantsParticipants during the Ethical Dilemma excercise

More pictures from the event are available on our Facebook page here.

We would like to thank Lucknow University and NSS for their support and cooperation, and we look forward to working together in the future.

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