Medha holds 1st Alumni Meet

“Medha Junction” – 1st Alumni Meet on January 10th
By Medha
11th January, 2016



Medha held its 1st Annual Alumni Event on the 10th of January, 2016. Dubbed Medha Junction, the event brought together close to 100 Medha Alumni from seven different colleges over the last three years. The event was held at Avadh Girls Degree College, a befitting location as it was the site of our very first class in 2012.

The event was managed by two of our star alum from that very first batch, Pooja Rautela and Shireen Rizvi, both of whom now work for Medha in various capacities.

KRT_8695_2To kick things off, three alumni shared their experiences with Medha – Shashwat Tewari and Prabhat Kumar Shahi talked about how the skills they learned at Medha helped them achieve their career goals, while Samriddhi Srivastava read a poem she wrote about how Medha has shaped her life.

KRT_8729_2Following the experience sharing and ice breaking, we broke into small groups to help alum with ongoing career guidance and support. We organized career interest stalls, and invited outside experts to interact with alumni around the following themes – Banking, Social Services, Higher Studies, Government Jobs, Teaching, Media, and Entrepreneurship.

We would like to thank Vipin Pandey, Lecturer at Lucknow Christian College, Utkarsh Chaturvedi, Lucknow Correspondent at IBN 7, Deepali Aggarwal, Founder at les chocolates, and Anuj Gopal, Youth Parliament, who took time out of their busy schedules to interact and advise our alumni.

And a final big thank you to all our alumni who came to the event and made it a joyous and hopefully informational occasion. We look forward to bringing you all together again soon and following your progress in the years to come. More pictures of the event are available on our Facebook page.

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