Medha alum joins Taj Vivanta in HR

Despite numerous obstacles, Ummay Aiman took her career into her own hands
By Medha
10th April, 2017

Back in 2014, Ummay Aiman shuffled into our Medha class at Avadh Girls’ Degree college. It was the 3rd year of her B.Com program and she was sorely underprepared for class. Ummay decided she wanted the introduction to the corporate world that Medha’s CAB session offered. Over the course of those 30 days, Ummay transformed into an exuberant presence. Medha’s mentors guided her through the internship interview process and during her final year she was placed at Microsave, a Lucknow-based financial inclusion services firm.

With her internship and graduation behind her, Ummay reluctantly returned to her family’s home. Trying to remain within the constraints of her family but still wanting to work professionally, Ummay settled on taking a job at a nearby pre-school. After a year of dissatisfying work – yearning for another opportunity in the corporate world – Ummay contacted Medha’s alumni support team.

Ummay wanted to find a satisfying career path that her parents would be comfortable with. The Medha team empathized with her dilemma and quickly found an opportunity with Taj Vivanta hotel in Lucknow – but the project was unpaid. It took a couple months for Ummay to convince her family that leaving a paid job for an unpaid internship at the Taj was a good idea, but eventually she got them to agree.

Ummay wasted no time proving her abilities as an efficient worker who knows how to cooperate with a team. The Taj Vivanta management was incredibly impressed with her dedication to the job. When Ummay finished her term as an intern, she received a generous package as the newest member of the Human Resources team at the five-star hotel. Medha couldn’t be more proud of Ummay and we are honored to have played some small part in her professional journey the last two years. We look forward to seeing where she goes next.




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