Medha releases annual Social Impact Report

Outcomes and learnings from our 3,323 alumni
By Medha
13th July, 2017

We are proud to announce the release of our 2016 – 2017 Social Impact Report – download here.

Throughout the year, we collect hundreds of data points from our students and alumni – where are they from, what are their career aspirations, how has their salary changed over time, are they looking to make a career transition, etc. We combine that data with qualitative focus group discussions to get a more well-rounded picture of how our students’ lives have changed (or not) since Medha.

This year we certified 1,610 students across 21 educational institutions, bringing our total alumni to 3,323. On average, our alumni see a 38% increase in income growth over the first two years, are 20% more likely to stay in their first job beyond a year than their peers, and earn 23% more than comparable youth entering the job market. As importantly, 100% have more positive feelings towards themselves, 95% feel more confident in general, and 85% feel better prepared for the workplace.

Combining data from our Student Information System (SIS), alumni surveys, and focus group discussions, we were able to answer some important questions about where our program is having the biggest impact, and what we need to improve and focus on in the upcoming year and beyond. We hope sharing this report and our learnings will educate your own work and in turn accelerate our vision of an India with equal career opportunities for youth; irrespective of gender, class, or caste.

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© 2025 Medha, all rights reserved.