Social entrepreneur in the making
Rupam started her career after Medha as a Program Assistant with City Montessori School in Lucknow; famous for holding the Guinness World Record as the largest school in the world.
One day, while taking a stroll down a street near her house, Rupam met a young boy from a nearby slum…
“What’s your name?”, she asked.
“Anuj”, he replied.
“Do you know how to write your name, Anuj?” she said trying to talk to him.
Shaking his head from side-to-side, Anuj shyly suggested that he didn’t, and it inspired Rupam to teach him how.
The following day, Anuj rang Rupam’s doorbell, he wanted to learn to write his cousin’s name too! And this became the starting point of an exciting journey for Rupam and many around her.

The number of kids Rupam was teaching suddenly grew from one to 15. With growing interest and classes, Rupam thought she should formalize things and registered a non-profit under the name of Malti Organisation for Special Talent (MOST).
“I knew I could add so much more value to these children’s lives by merely sharing some of my time and knowledge with them. So, why not?”

The first one in her family to take up social entrepreneurship, Rupam now runs her organization with the help of her brother and sister. Together they’re impacting the lives of 60 kids by teaching them basic English, Math and Life Skills.
Rupam wants to see MOST as a self-sustaining organization, and is now focused on getting funding to expand her team and reach out to more students.
Walking down an uncommon path is never easy, but when people do it, they set new examples for everyone around them.