Prachi, the voice of her community!
“Agar exposure aap tak na aa paaye, toh aap exposure tak jaao.”
The two-hour-long bus ride every day from her village to her university in Faizabad is Prachi’s only experience with travelling. While it’s exhausting to commute for four hours every day, Prachi always looks forward to it. She treats these long bus rides through the countryside as opportunities to freely interact with people and understand different perspectives.
“College ke andar ki padhaai ek taraf aur college ke baahar ki padhaai ek taraf.”

The village that she comes from is not used to seeing women taking a stand or even simply expressing themselves. But Prachi wants to change that. And because of this, she’s often at the receiving end of some criticism.
But does that deter her?
“My confidence often intimidates people!” she says assertively.
Prachi wants to become a police officer and inspire the women of her village to have audacious dreams!